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Saturday 28 April 2012

pg31 Topic 5 - Drop offs - Why Higher level Laws not derivable from lower level laws. (part 4 of 4)

Drop-offs at all levels of hierarchical complexity

Now, go to a higher level of hierarchy.  When molecules are formed into biological bodies, the body is the conceptual form (software), while the molecules are now the real concrete-objects (hardware).  The molecules are constantly refreshed (swapped) in order to satisfy the chemical laws, while at the same time higher level biological laws of the conceptual software (i.e. human bodies) are also observed.  Note that the hardware (e.g. cells) of a higher level software (human body) is the software (i.e. cells) of the lower level hardware (molecules), whose corresponding hardware (atoms) in turn is the software of the even lower level hardware (protons, neutrons and electrons) in the hierarchy.  A nation (software) can survive for many thousand years, but its people (hardware) can be born and die generation after generation.  But, each person (now, a software) has his/her cells (hardware) refreshed constantly.  Each cell (now, a form or software) has its molecules (hardware) swapped all the time.  Also, each molecule (form, software) has its atoms (hardware) swapped.  And each atom (now, a software) has its electrons (content, hardware) swapped.  There may be numerous layers of structures of objects and sometimes they could be overlapped and confused. 

We’ll discuss the logic of overlapping laws at different levels next.

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Saturday 21 April 2012

pg30 Topic 5 - Drop offs - Why Higher level Laws not derivable from lower level laws. (part 3 of 4)

When higher level structures are recognized as certain (illusory) objects, they follow their own laws, e.g. chemical laws, biological laws, economical laws, etc.  While these laws don’t violate physics laws, they are not physics laws, and mostly cannot be derived from physics laws.  Why? 

One critical reason (a personal opinion) may be drop-offs.  Normally an interaction should follow the chemical law.  But it could happen that, due to local physics conditions, a particular molecule may not be able to follow the chemical law temporarily.  In such circumstances, certain atom/electron (the real concrete-objects, hardware) of the molecule could be dragged out (dropped-off) from the molecule temporarily by the physics force and is later replaced by a nearby like atom/electron, thus preventing the physics law from being violated, while at the same time the chemical law (between the molecular structures, the software) is also observed.  Thus, we see drop-off keeps higher level chemical law and lower level physics law both being observed, yet the chemical law cannot be derived from the physics law.  That is why free higher level laws can be implemented independently of lower level laws.  Higher level laws are between the conceptual software, while lower level laws are between real concrete-objects (hardware).  From physics point of view, chemical laws are not between real objects but between illusions (molecules) and hence would not conflict physics laws.  This is believed to be how supply and demand law, biological laws, chemical laws and physics laws are all implemented simultaneously without conflicting each other and how mind got room to manipulate those (illusory) objects.  
      Pg 30      

If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday 14 April 2012

pg29 Topic 5 - Drop offs - Why Higher level Laws not derivable from lower level laws. (part 2 of 4)

Two layers of reality: Conceptual Form (Software) and Concrete-objects (Hardware)

In fact, every object in the world consists of two levels of reality, form and concrete-objects  (See Plato: theory of forms, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_Forms). While the higher level form remains unchanged (which may be called the software), concrete-objects may be swapped constantly (which may be called the hardware).  Let’s take molecules as an example.  At the higher level, molecule is a form (or a concept, or software), while at the lower level are the atoms which are the concrete-objects (or real material, or hardware).  While the higher level molecule (form or concept, or software) remains unchanged, the atoms (concrete-objects, or real material, or hardware) may be swapped constantly. 

                                                                                                                         Pg 29      

If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday 7 April 2012

pg28 Topic 5 - Drop offs - Why Higher level Laws not derivable from lower level laws. (part 1 of 4)

Every object is a concept

As mentioned earlier, every object is a concept in the universe.  For example, the atoms in a molecule are not staying the same all the time.  When we say this is a glucose molecule, we actually mean the molecular structure of glucose, regardless of whether its constituent atoms, or electrons, remain exactly the same all the time or are swapped with neighboring like atoms or electrons. 

This phenomenon happens all the time at different levels of objects.  An atom may have its constituent electrons swapped (dropped off and replaced) from time to time.  In macroscopic scale, a 200 year old company may have its employees changed many, many times, but it’s still the same company.  A nation could be thousands of years old, with its people changed numerous times.  Drop-off need not happen at high percentage rate, but it does happen at all levels of structures. 

                                                                                                                         Pg 28      

If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com