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Saturday 19 November 2011

pg08 Arguments for the Existence of mind according to our definition

Materialism believes that there is no mind or spirit in Nature and that all activities in Nature are the movements of particles (protons, neutrons, etc.) governed by physics laws like billiards on a table.  However, one can easily see that Eiffel tower cannot come into existence with only randomly moving particles without intentional will.  Obviously, no real scientist would deny that the tower could not be built without minds’ intervention.  Similarly, no astronaut can fly from earth to the moon without minds' accurate calculations.  There is no way a stone can suddenly be shot up to the moon accidentally by wind or anything whatsoever.  Likewise, every year the developed countries buy a great deal of oil from oil exporters.  Oil doesn’t flow randomly to all countries over the world, but flow in concentration to the developed countries only.  If there were no spirit or mind in Nature, oil should flow randomly to all places evenly on the globe.  The existence of Eiffel Tower, the landing of astronauts on the moon, oil flow etc. all prove that minds exist. 

Some will naturally ask why we don’t see mind if it exists?  We will discuss this question next time.

                                                                                                                         Pg  8     

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