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Historical Background

Saturday 26 November 2011

pg09 Mind is manifested through its effect, like energy and temperature

How do we know energy exist?  We know through its effects on visible objects, like water boiled.  How do we know mind exist?  We also know through its effects on visible objects, e.g. astronauts landing on the moon.  We do not say energy does not exist because we cannot see it.  Similarly, we have no reason to claim mind does not exist simply because it’s invisible.  Energy is as invisible as mind.  Some scientifically minded claim “I don’t believe it exists unless I see it”.  This isn’t a very scientific statement.  Numerous things in Nature exist but cannot be seen.  For example, energy, momentum, time, temperature, interest rate, culture, etc., they all exist but are not visible.  No one would deny their existence.  We don’t see them directly but we recognize their existence through their effects on visible objects.  For example, by seeing objects moving you know the object is under the influence of momentum and energy.  By seeing water freezing or vaporizing you know temperature is low or high.  Similarly, you know there is mind acting on an object when you see it acts differently from non-living objects, such as astronaut flying to the moon. 

Then where is mind?  We will talk about it next time.

                                                                                                                         Pg  9      

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Saturday 19 November 2011

pg08 Arguments for the Existence of mind according to our definition

Materialism believes that there is no mind or spirit in Nature and that all activities in Nature are the movements of particles (protons, neutrons, etc.) governed by physics laws like billiards on a table.  However, one can easily see that Eiffel tower cannot come into existence with only randomly moving particles without intentional will.  Obviously, no real scientist would deny that the tower could not be built without minds’ intervention.  Similarly, no astronaut can fly from earth to the moon without minds' accurate calculations.  There is no way a stone can suddenly be shot up to the moon accidentally by wind or anything whatsoever.  Likewise, every year the developed countries buy a great deal of oil from oil exporters.  Oil doesn’t flow randomly to all countries over the world, but flow in concentration to the developed countries only.  If there were no spirit or mind in Nature, oil should flow randomly to all places evenly on the globe.  The existence of Eiffel Tower, the landing of astronauts on the moon, oil flow etc. all prove that minds exist. 

Some will naturally ask why we don’t see mind if it exists?  We will discuss this question next time.

                                                                                                                         Pg  8     

If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday 12 November 2011

pg07 Definition of Mind

Part I Understand who I am?

Topic 1 - Does Mind Exist?  What are its characteristics?  

Definition of Mind
Before answering whether mind exists, let’s first make a concrete definition of what is meant by “mind” under our discussion.  What we mean by “mind” in our discussions is “the being which causes the difference between intentional effects and non-intentional effects”.  Hence, animal, insects, germs and even plants are considered to possess mind.  Anything that strives for life, or protects itself from being attacked is considered to possess mind.  Based on this definition, there is no question that creatures with mind/spirits (mind and spirit are considered the same thing here and are interchangeable) exist on planet earth, because there is clear indication that living creatures exist on earth which possess intentional will.  The behavior of non-living objects is that their actions follow physics laws only and don’t indicate intention, while living things do.  At this time, there appears to be no mind or living objects on the planet of Mercury. 

We will show next whether mind exists in nature according to this definition.

                                                                                                                         Pg  7   

If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday 5 November 2011

pg06 Introduction (part 6 of 6)

Based on the key observations above, the discussions here try to recognize modern observational facts and be as objective and logical as possible.  At the end, a hypothetical mind-matter theory which combines materialism with idealism can be deduced from region B and expanded to region A and region C, even down to the particle level.  Some critical questions tackled are: 

1. Is everything which is invisible not existing?  How about energy, momentum, temperature? 
2. Why is everything following physics laws, but few biological or chemical laws can be derived from physics laws? 
3. What is the reality of a human body, a molecule, or an elementary particle?  Drop-offs and Two layers of reality – Form and Concrete objects. 
4. The illusory and objective natures of objects. 
5. Quantum uncertainty and what “observation” means in quantum mechanics. 
6. How are the identities of a molecule, a human body or an elementary particle established?  Primitive mind.   
7. Non-quantum uncertainty. 
8. Personal view of the origins of matter, quantum mechanics and particles.   

The topics are broadly divided into two major parts:  The first part, “Understand who I am?”  The second, “Understand what my body is?” 
Our discussion will be as objective and logical as possible.  It would be meaningless to talk about the mechanism between mind and body if one doesn’t even believe mind exist.  Therefore we will show the evidence of mind next. 

                                                                                                                         Pg  6  

If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com