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Historical Background

Saturday 30 June 2012

pg40 QUANTUM MECHANICS (part 4 of 5)

Absurdity of Copenhagen Interpretation

This is absurd as can be seen in the following example.  Suppose a particle disintegrates into two particles, one spins clockwise and the other anticlockwise.  The two particles will travel opposite to each other at very high speed.  According to Copenhagen interpretation, before observation the spin directions of the two particles are undetermined, both having possibilities of being clockwise and being anticlockwise.  Only at observation time, they are collapsed to a determined state.  If particle A is observed (which means collapsed) to being clockwise, then the other, particle B, must be observed (collapsed) to being anticlockwise “instantly”, even if they have travelled to different corners in the universe.  It is unbelievable that the two particles, being widely apart, can communicate instantly at infinite speed (much faster than light). 

EPR Paradox and Confirmation of Copenhagen Interpretation

On the contrary, Einstein’s view (cooperated with Podolsky and Rosen, 1935, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPR_paradox) is that the two particles must have determined states of spin directions at time of separation, just waiting to be measured.  But neither Einstein, nor Bohr and Heisenberg lived long enough to witness an experimental confirmation of one view or the other.  An observation done in 1982 in the University of Paris by Aspect etc. confirmed that the Copenhagen interpretation is correct.  That is, quantum systems don’t have determined state until observation time.  Only at observation time, the system is “collapsed” to a fixed state. 

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Saturday 23 June 2012

pg39 QUANTUM MECHANICS (part 3 of 5)

The Copenhagen Interpretation - Quantum Collapse at observation time

We will explore quantum collapse and the related concepts here because they are critical in the establishment of identity horizontally.   

The Copenhagen interpretation formulated by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg is the “standard” interpretation of quantum mechanics.  The major aspect of this interpretation is that the state of a quantum system (say, the momentum or spin of a particle) is “not determined” until it is measured.  It doesn’t mean the state is already determined before measurement, just waiting to be observed.  It means the state is completely “undetermined” before observation is made.  Therefore, it is meaningless to ask where the particle is before measurement.  Only at observation time, the undetermined possibilities are “collapsed” to a fixed determined state.  In other words, the act of observation plays a role in determining the state of the particle. 

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Saturday 16 June 2012

pg38 QUANTUM MECHANICS (part 2 of 5)

Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics

Uncertainty principle is an aspect of quantum mechanics.  It says the position or momentum (velocity) of a particle is undetermined until it is measured.  The uncertainty of position multiplies the uncertainty of momentum (velocity) equals or greater than the plank constant, h = 6.26 * 10 -27 erg.s.  That means, if you want to catch (measure) the particle within a smaller area (higher precision), the momentum (velocity) would be found (measured) to be within a larger deviation range.  And vice versa. 

Quantum mechanics applies to both microscopic and macroscopic objects.  Since the plank constant, h, is a very small value, the uncertainty of either position or momentum (velocity) of macroscopic objects (such as, a desk, a planet, etc.) is usually unnoticeable as compared to the size of the object.  But it is highly noticeable for microscopic objects, such as, electrons, protons, atoms, or molecules, because the uncertainty is much larger than the size of the particle.  There is no certainty of finding a particle, or an atom, at any definite position.  There is only a curve to express the probability of finding it at each position and time, and another curve to express the probability of finding it at each momentum (velocity) and energy value.  But for macroscopic objects, such as a desk, a star, etc. the probability curve almost coincides with the shape of the object, because the uncertainty is almost zero (as compared to its size).  Still, the object is not solid, but waves. 

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Saturday 9 June 2012

pg37 QUANTUM MECHANICS (part 1 of 5)

Brief description of quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a strange aspect of matter most dramatic at very tiny scales, i.e. regions smaller than 0.00000001 cm.  It says all matter is governed by waves.  The probability of finding a particle at each position and time can be expressed by a curve (a packet wave).  That is, there is not a definite position and time (that is, there is an uncertainty) that the particle will be found.  The curve (packet wave) is composed of numerous mono waves.  The probability of finding a particle possessing each momentum (velocity) value and energy value is also expressed by a curve, i.e. there is not a definite value of momentum (velocity) and value of energy to be found for the particle either (that is, there is also an uncertainty).  Although the strange characteristics of quantum mechanics are manifested most dramatically at tiny scales, it applies to all sized of objects, even to astronomical scales. 

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If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday 2 June 2012

pg36 The objectivity of molecules and biological bodies (part 2 of 2)

2.  A person is recognized as an individual person not only by himself but by all his/her friends as well.  It cannot be denied that the collection of particles being viewed as a body is not entirely the individual’s own personal viewpoint.  The same view is actually shared by all people.  It is not possible to view two human bodies as one unless they are actually conjoined twins.  We don’t have subjective liberty to choose our viewpoint.  There is objectivity in each biological (conceptual) structure acted by biological laws and also in each molecular (conceptual) structure acted by chemical laws. 

An objective identity implies it is not any subjectively selected collection of particles.  Rather, it is a special collection which together follows another set of non-physics laws (e.g. chemical or biological laws), on top of physics laws (and the set cannot be changed at wish).  On the other hand, subjective identity is any wishfully selected set of particles, with each particle following physics laws individually.  It is a mystery how each molecule or biological body establish its objective identity? 

We will talk a little about quantum mechanics before tackling this problem.  

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If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com