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Saturday, 31 March 2012

pg27 From Physics Point of View, Choosing Body as an object is subjective and illusory (part 5 of 5)

Problem with Contemporary Science – Mixing Inconsistent Viewpoints

Let’s make it clear, although illusory objects have objective existence, they are still illusory from physics point of view.  Body and life could be chosen as real, but then atoms and elementary particles are illusions and we don’t care about physics laws and whether they are violated or not.  The difficulty with contemporary science is that human bodies, molecules, atoms and particles are all viewed as real simultaneously, while theoretically they cannot all be real at the same time and only one set of laws can be governing at a time (except in cases of non-composite entities).  To be consistent in any single discussion, one can choose only one set of governing laws and relevant entities.  The other laws and relevant entities are then illusory.  That they are considered illusory is based on the set of laws chosen (vertical view), rather than on who is the observer/viewer (horizontal view). 

Next, we’ll investigate why higher level laws are not derivable from lower level laws – drop offs. 

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If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday, 24 March 2012

pg26 From Physics Point of View, Choosing Body as an object is subjective and illusory (part 4 of 5)

There is objectivity in molecular (conceptual) structures acted by chemical laws, objectivity in biological (conceptual) structures acted by biological laws and objectivity in (conceptual) companies acted by business laws.  The subjectively recognized units are endowed with objectivity by its own governing laws, which treat each conceptual entity as a well defined individual object.  From physics point of view (i.e. when no chemical or biological laws are recognized), it is a mystery how a person can be recognized as a person not only by himself but also by everyone else.  It is an important topic in our discussion.  We will talk about how such objectivity can be established later. 

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If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday, 17 March 2012

pg25 From Physics Point of View, Choosing Body as an object is subjective and illusory (part 3 of 5)

From Physics Point Of View, All Objects Other Than Particles (Molecules, Cells, A City, The Whole World, Etc.) Are Also Subjective And Illusory.

By the same token, under physics point of view, atoms, molecules, cells, a tree, an animal, a city, a society, a culture and the whole world are all illusory.  Nothing is real.  They don’t exist if we choose to recognize only electrons, protons and neutrons (i.e. the most fundamental building blocks of the world) as real objects, which follow physics laws only.  They, as individual entities, are meaningless to physics laws. 

Objective Existence of Illusory Objects cannot be Denied.

Obviously, most people cannot accept that a human body is an illusion, as its existence is so clear because it doesn’t change according to our view.  This is true.  As pointed out many times, this is only based on physics viewpoint (vertical view of the structural hierarchy).  But, horizontally, it should be admitted that the collection of particles being recognized as a body is not entirely any one individual’s personal view.  It looks as if all other people share the same view as well. 

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If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday, 10 March 2012

pg24 From Physics Point of View, Choosing Body as an object is subjective and illusory (part 2 of 5)

A Man is like a relay run team.  Although a team may have its players changed many times in a run, it is still the same team.  A man is similar, the cells of an eighty year old man is totally different from those when he was ten years old, because the cells are changed/refreshed gradually throughout his life.  From physics point of view, the man at 80 years is an entirely different man than him at 10 years old.  The usual physics laws apply to fixed body only.  It is not right to expect usual physics laws to apply to a changing body.  Different laws must be established. 

                                                                                                                         Pg 24      

If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com

Saturday, 3 March 2012

pg23 From Physics Point of View, Choosing Body as an object is subjective and illusory (part 1 of 5)

From physics point of view, choosing to recognize a human body as an object is subjective and illusory.  It is like a group of houses in a valley.  Whether to recognize the group as a village is a subjective point of view.  It is a mere personal opinion to choose to view the human body as an individual entity.  From physics point of view, a human body is not recognized as a special individual entity.  Consequently, life is also an illusion, which does not exist unless one chooses to recognize it.  Why is life (of a human body) so short?  The answer is in our point of view.  If we choose the physics point of view, life isn’t anything other than a virtual concept.  Why do we choose to view it as a special entity?  If we don’t choose to view it that way, they are just elementary particles and nothing long or short about it. 

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If reading more helps to understand better, you may visit my fast pace blog at: http://FromPhysicsToMetaphysicsFastPace.blogspot.com